• We do not guarantee the successful debt settlement and negotiation on any particular account.
  • Commitment is essential for the success of this Program, and settlements will not be attempted until you have accumulated sufficient funds in your designated Savings Account.
  • It typically takes 4-6 months before we can make our first good faith settlement offer. We do so when you have accumulated approximately 25% of the particular enrolled debt that we make an offer to settle.
  • There is a possibility of lawsuit(s) being filed against you by your creditor(s). Lighthouse Finance Solutions will not represent you or provide any legal advice in the event a creditor commences a legal action against you, and we do not guarantee that creditor actions will not be commenced.
  • We do not provide credit repair services or represent that your credit will improve by enrolling in our program. In fact, debt settlement will likely adversely affect your creditworthiness, and any missed payments owed to creditors will increase the amount of debt owed based on the accrual of interest and penalties.
  • We are not an accounting firm and are not permitted to provide any tax advice. However, debt reduction may result in a tax consequence to you.
  • We charge a fee as a percentage of each debt enrolled that we settle for you. The fee is calculated on the total enrolled debt and charged at the time a settlement is approved and a payment is made towards that settlement.
  • We require that you create a dedicated savings account with monies to be used towards settling your debts and program fees. We can assist in creating that account.
  • During the term of the program, you may not use any credit cards, except a debit card or an employer sponsored credit card for approved expenses, unless specifically approved by us.
  • We will make every reasonable attempt to contact you for approval of all settlement offers negotiated on your behalf. If we can’t reach you because you are not responsive to our attempts to call, email and/or text you, you may lose any settlements.